Áfylling yfir Írak

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Póstar: 11432
Skráður: 17. Apr. 2004 03:33:31

Re: Áfylling yfir Írak

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http://www.airspacemag.com/multimedia/v ... -Iraq.html

Photojournalist Ed Darack says that “Some of the most exciting moments of my two-week embed with the 2nd Marine Air Wing (FWD) came when the cargo door of a C-130J cranked open miles above Iraq’s Anbar Province, as the craft motored through the air at hundreds of miles per hour.

Strapped in, I was guided to the very edge by Staff Sergeant Mike Torres, a loadmaster. Out of the gray distance, two dots emerged—F/A-18D Hornets, call signs Covey 60 (lead) and Covey 61. The jets roared up to the rear of the 130, deployed their refueling probes and connected.

The Hornets were so close I had to switch to wide-angle lenses for my cameras.”"
Icelandic Volcano Yeti
Póstar: 1540
Skráður: 7. Nóv. 2006 08:16:54

Re: Áfylling yfir Írak

Póstur eftir einarak »

just beautiful!!!
Björn G Leifsson
Póstar: 2914
Skráður: 24. Apr. 2004 01:14:45

Re: Áfylling yfir Írak

Póstur eftir Björn G Leifsson »

Flott mynd,,, en ég er nú eiginlega meira forvitinn um hvernig knaparnir losa sig við... eh vökva?
"For every complex problem there is a solution that is simple, neat and wrong"
H.L. Mencken
Póstar: 3643
Skráður: 28. Nóv. 2004 18:30:14
Staðsetning: Eyjafjörður

Re: Áfylling yfir Írak

Póstur eftir Gaui »

Hvers vegna heldur þú að einnota bleyjur hafi verið fundnar upp? Til að gera konum lífið auðveldara? Hahh !!! Fyrir kalla sem ekki komast á klósettið.
Ég er svona það sem kallað er Trendsetter, það bara tekur enginn eftir því.

Bara átta kveðjur
Guðjón Ólafsson - Eyjafirði
Site Admin
Póstar: 11432
Skráður: 17. Apr. 2004 03:33:31

Re: Áfylling yfir Írak

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[quote]In 23 years (1981 - 2004) of flying fighters (F-15, F-16, F-5, MiG-29), I never flew with a diaper. Why? There isn't one for males. I've flown the F-16 across both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans twice each and have flown numerous 7+ hour combat sorties. No diapers, no relief tubes, just piddle packs. In training, it's not such a big deal; sorties last only an hour or two. If a fighter pilot can't 'hold it' and makes pee pee or doo doo in his flight suit, then he'll return to the ilk and ire of his crew chief (who's not going to clean up the mess, the offending fighter pilot is) and the jeers and sneers of his fellow fighter pilots.

There is an option that we refer to as a 'force extender' (just a slang term) which is a condom over the pilot's male parts which is connected to a tube that runs down the side of the leg and is attached to a bag. The thought here is that you don't have to whip anything out and risk spraying 'Holy Water' all over the cockpit trying to use the piddle pack. The 'force extender' is a problem in the F-16. When sitting in a semi-reclined position, there's not enough component of gravity holding what's in the bag in the bag. It's easy to get a lot of backflow. That goes in the 'Bad' column.

It's extra challenging when wearing an anti-exposure suit and trying to use the piddle pack. You're wearing several layers of undergarments and the 'jaws of death' crotch zipper on the suit itself will make you cringe. Again, leaning back in the F-16 increases the level of difficulty for the whole process.

Did the lady fighter pilots wear diapers on long missions. Don't know, never asked and never cared.[/quote]
[quote]Frequently, particularly on long flights, pilots where what is commonly known as a condom catheter (or "Texas" catheter). The catheter is attached by plastic tubing to a bag strapped to the man's ankle. Women pilots have the option of an insertable catheter, but most opt for disposable diapers.[/quote]
Hin víðfrægi „piddle pack“ sést í kringum 1:25.
Icelandic Volcano Yeti
Póstar: 3643
Skráður: 28. Nóv. 2004 18:30:14
Staðsetning: Eyjafjörður

Re: Áfylling yfir Írak

Póstur eftir Gaui »

[quote]In 23 years (1981 - 2004) of flying fighters (F-15, F-16, F-5, MiG-29), I never flew with a diaper. Why? There isn't one for males.[/quote]
Já-já, ég myndi líka segja þetta ef ég væri orrustuflugmaður. Einnota bleyjur voru búnar til á 7. áratugnum eftir að Alan Shephard hafði pissað á sig áður en honum var skotið út í "geim", fyrstum USUmanna. Það þótti ótækt að hafa rassblauta geimfara og þeir vildu síður nota þvaglegg, þó læknarnir væru ólmir í að setja þá upp (ekki þægilegir, skilst mér).
Ég er svona það sem kallað er Trendsetter, það bara tekur enginn eftir því.

Bara átta kveðjur
Guðjón Ólafsson - Eyjafirði
Site Admin
Póstar: 11432
Skráður: 17. Apr. 2004 03:33:31

Re: Áfylling yfir Írak

Póstur eftir Sverrir »

Að sjálfsögðu er ekki til bleyja fyrir orrustuflugmenn og ef hún væri til þá myndu þeir ekki nota hana. ;)

Annars eru meðal flugin nú ekki það löng að þetta sé mikið áhyggjuefni hjá þeim greyjunum.
Icelandic Volcano Yeti