Það endar með að maður fer í rafmagnið

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Póstar: 564
Skráður: 24. Apr. 2006 13:44:49

Re: Það endar með að maður fer í rafmagnið

Póstur eftir kip »

The Department of Energy and IBM are serious about developing controversial lithium air batteries capable of powering a car for 500 miles on a single charge – a huge increase over current plug-in batteries that have a range of about 40 to 100 miles, the DOE said. The agency said 24 million hours of supercomputing time out of a total of 1.6 billion available hours at Argonne and Oak Ridge National Laboratories will be used by IBM and a team of researchers from those labs and Vanderbilt University to design new materials required for a lithium air battery.
Kristinn Ingi Pétursson
Netfang: kip[hjá]kip.is | vefsíður: www.kip.is og www.stafn.is | Sími: 650 5252