Hawker Typhoons WWII

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Póstar: 520
Skráður: 10. Jan. 2009 16:40:24

Re: Hawker Typhoons WWII

Póstur eftir Eysteinn »

Þetta er virkilega flott video frá PlaneVideoArt Productions.

This video is to pay tribute to a group of pilots who flew Hawker Typhoons during WWII. Chris Spangenberg, Danny Lanz and Rich Cox fly their giant scale Hawker RC models as their tribute to these brave men who at great sacrafice won the war against Hilter's forces in World War II. PlaneVideoArt Productions is honored to particapate in this video project that shows the RC modeling community at our best. Please enjoy "We Remember"

Um gerð myndbandsins.

This video we tells the behind the scenes story of how we made "WE REMEMBER" a tribute to the Typhoon Pilots of WWII. From the producer to the RC pilots, we all tell the story of how and why we got together to make this video.

Eysteinn Harry Sigursteinsson.

I’ve learned so much from my mistakes…
I’m thinking of making a few more.