Fjölgar í JetCat fjölskyldunni

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Skráður: 17. Apr. 2004 03:33:31

Re: Fjölgar í JetCat fjölskyldunni

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Eins og einhverjir vita þá styttist í nýja 100 mótorinn frá þeim en einnig er 140 mótor(P140RX) á leiðinni!

Veit ekki hvenær hann kemur á markaðinn en það stefnir allt í að ég hafi rétt fyrir mér með 100 mótorinn. ;)

[quote]Featuring JetCat’s new fully digital "bus" electronic control system, the new generation of RX series JetCat turbines reduce the wiring and tubing to a minimum, making installation easier. The temperature sensor is installed internally, but still can be replaced if necessary. The valves are fully integrated inside the turbine front housing, so only a single tube connection from the pump to the turbine is necessary. Additionally the electrical connection from the turbine to the ECU, also involves only a single PowerBus lead.

The new light weight and small V10.0 JetCat ECU (26g and 2/3rds size) require only the receiver (1 or 2 channel operation) and the fuel pump to be connected. All of the latest options e.g. ECU V6.0 GSU connection, GPS and Airspeed sensor input/output, Smoke control will still be available.

The power supply is provided by a 3S 2100mAh LiFePO4 battery. This not only powers the ECU and fuel pump, but also all optional accessories connected to the bus system, such as the JetCat Smoke Pump and or LCU (lighting control Unit). Alternatively, the V10.0 ECU can be supplied for operation with a 2S/3S Li-po or 6-8 cell Ni chemistry battery.

The V10.0 ECU also has a built-in, precision air pressure and temperature sensor which intelligently adjusts to the current environmental conditions. This also eliminates the setting of the pump start voltage. The engine starts and runs on kerosene.

The weight of the JetCat is P140RX-1580g. The maximum thrust is 142N @ 125,000 rpm. With a diameter of 112mm and an overall length of 320mm the size matches closely the P120SX size.

The delivery of the JetCat P140RX is due to start end of August 2011.[/quote]
Icelandic Volcano Yeti