Re: Svakalegt! B-17 og smá B-25
Póstað: 23. Maí. 2011 22:28:52
Það er ekki eins og þeir séu að handskjóta þetta með 30.000 króna vídeómyndavélinni hans afa. 
[quote]The aircraft used for this was a Eurocopter AS350 B2. This is commonly known as the 'A Star'. The camera was a sony HDC1500 that is internally mounted in a storage compartment in the back. The lens is front mounted in a gyro stabilized system called Cineflex. The lens is a Fujinon HA22 X 7.8 lens.[/quote]

[quote]The aircraft used for this was a Eurocopter AS350 B2. This is commonly known as the 'A Star'. The camera was a sony HDC1500 that is internally mounted in a storage compartment in the back. The lens is front mounted in a gyro stabilized system called Cineflex. The lens is a Fujinon HA22 X 7.8 lens.[/quote]