Hitec Aurora 9 fjarstýringin...

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Póstar: 247
Skráður: 10. Maí. 2010 15:58:22

Re: Hitec Aurora 9 fjarstýringin...

Póstur eftir hrafnkell »

Head tracking er væntanlega ætlað t.d. fyrir fpv. Þá getur maður verið með myndavélina á 1-2 ásum til að líta í kringum sig, án þess að breyta stefnu vélarinnar.
Póstar: 2984
Skráður: 23. Apr. 2004 06:34:18

Re: Hitec Aurora 9 fjarstýringin...

Póstur eftir Agust »

[quote=Agust]Á leiðinni er ný útgáfa af Aurora 9 og kallast nýja tækið Aurora 9X. Þetta er að miklu leyti sama tækið, en með ýmsum endurbótum/breytingum.

Í stuttu máli þá er þetta helst skilst mér:

- Sendimodúll innbyggður. Nettara tæki en ekki hægt lengur að nota það fyrir 35MHz/72MHz.
- Fjórfalt meiri upplausn á stýripinnum, 4096 þrep.
- Innbyggður möguleiki á SLT (Secure Link Technology) útsendingu, valið í valmynd. Eitthvað fyrir svona: http://www.flyzoneplanes.com/airplanes/ ... index.html
- Hraðari svörun, niður í 7ms ef ekki er notuð telemetry (mælt 5,5ms)
- Stærra minni fyrir vinnsluforrit.
- Titrari fyrir viðvaranir
- Head tracking (hvað í ósköpunum sem það nú er
- Teljarar fyrir hvert módel sem telja fjölda fluga.

Með því að rýna í myndina (stækka með því að smella á hana) má etv. lesa samanburðartöfluna, en hér fyrir neðan er texti frá Hitec-innherja sem ég klippti af spjallvef.

https://frettavefur.net/Forum/uploadpic ... 8373_0.jpg

Einhver las þetta fyrir okkur og endurskrifaði: http://www.modelflying.co.uk/forums/pos ... p?th=79269

Hér er afrit af pósti á spjallvef frá innherja hjá Hitec:

1. Performance:
a. 4096 resolution (4 times better/ 2X better than Futaba and Spektrum)
b. Dual processors (one for programming, one for RF)
c. Re Engineered signal processing so the Optima RX performance is twice as fast (19ms frame vs. 41ms)
d. New Maxima RX's (Non Telemetry) have a 7ms frame which outputs all channels simultaneously for the absolute minimum latency. (FBL version in the works)

2. Case design:
a. Slimmer back with integrated stylus pen.
b. Vibration warning in rubber grip
c. Battery connector uses J plug (no plugging in backwards)
d. A & D switches are now 3-pos.

3. SLT: This is built in and selectable. With this protocol being open, any manufacturer could offer models compatible with it.

4. Head tracking: The 9X will support this.

5. Binding/protocol select: Built into the programming... no pushing buttons (except of the RX.)

6. Programming enhancements:
a. 7- point curves on all mixes
b. Stick activated switches
c. Swash ring (Kinda late of this one)
d. There's more, but I'm not listing everything.

Essentially, our goal was to update an already awesome product and not to change the category it was in by adding things that would significantly add cost. Note that the current A9 will not be discontinued. I am very pleased with the updated version and while it might not be a big enough jump for some to change, it does address the shortcoming of the current radio and allows us to compete better with any high performance radio on the market today reguardless of cost. Yes, we know that some wanted more channels but at this time, that was not possible and what % actually can use more than nine anyway? The Aurora essentially changed the landscape of the radio market and the 9X will be a tremendous bang for the buck offering higher performance, resolution, speed, and versatility for the future to further change that landscape![/quote]

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