Re: Fjör í útlandinu
Póstað: 31. Okt. 2011 12:36:57
Goggi frændi gerði heiðarlega tilraun til að þýða þetta. 
[quote]Alternative energy instead of kerosene?
Hey, what's going on here? Here the world's first turbine, which runs on compressed air is filled up with courageous knocks out the bicycle pump? Or is this the first inflatable jet that dragged on the runway from his pocket and as a beach ball is inflated?
No, no fear - "We must not abstain from the smell of kerosene, we still face a glut of" Jet balloons. Alex Jones supplied the pneumatic retractable landing here after his albatross old traditions with the necessary air. Sverrir Gunnlaugsson this funny snapshot at Bickley Jets managed meeting. What else has experienced Sverrir at the meeting, check out this edition of JetPower.[/quote]

[quote]Alternative energy instead of kerosene?
Hey, what's going on here? Here the world's first turbine, which runs on compressed air is filled up with courageous knocks out the bicycle pump? Or is this the first inflatable jet that dragged on the runway from his pocket and as a beach ball is inflated?
No, no fear - "We must not abstain from the smell of kerosene, we still face a glut of" Jet balloons. Alex Jones supplied the pneumatic retractable landing here after his albatross old traditions with the necessary air. Sverrir Gunnlaugsson this funny snapshot at Bickley Jets managed meeting. What else has experienced Sverrir at the meeting, check out this edition of JetPower.[/quote]