Endurgerð á Dambusters

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Póstar: 11463
Skráður: 17. Apr. 2004 03:33:31

Re: Endurgerð á Dambusters

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Nú stendur víst til að endugera Dambusters í Hollywood og að sjálfsögðu liggur handritið fyrir. ;)


Hollywood's authentic story of the Six-Seventeenth Eagle Bomb Squadron Of the Royal British Air Corps.

It is 1941. Hitler has invaded Europe and England alone fights back Aided by a handful of international volunteers, including GI Gibson (Tom Cruise)an American pilot who had already had a key role in winning the Battle Of Britain.
Intelligence has identified that the destruction of a giant dam in central Germany is the key to Allied victory.

A raid on the dam by the British Lan-Casters of the 6-17th is ordered, to be led by its war-weary cockney CO (Michael Caine). The crews are filmed boarding the Confederate Air Force's Liberator.
A background of sun-drenched Texan prairie substitutes for Scamppington

Air Force Base and the East Anglian Fens in January.
Colour-enhanced black and white library shots are then used for the Raid - DC-6 engine start, taxiing Halifaxes, Spitfire mass take-off, formation of B24s, Lan-caster at night, bombs dropping from a Mitchell, a B-17 and Focke-Wulf Condor being shot down, the FAA's Boeing 707 crashing in flames.
As with all US aviation films since the invention of "talkies", the aircraft soundtrack consists only of the roar of Pratt & Whitney radial engines, specially recorded during a Harvard mass flypast at the annual Oshkosh air show.
But the raid is a failure, and only GI and his crew survive to try again. Danny De Vito plays the part of the bomb aimer.


After the disastrous first dam raid, it is obvious a new type of weapon Is needed. By chance Barn S. Wallace (Morgan Freeman), the leading US scientist And aviation expert, is in London explaining his invention of the jet engine to an unknown British engineer, Frank V. Tel.
Thinking back to his childhood, Barn remembers skimming rocks across a Lake in native New Hampshire, and quickly comes up with a design for a Bouncing bomb - but it is too large for any British aircraft to carry.


Fortunately, Wallace has brought with him to England the only example of his latest bomber design, the B-29. Cut to the CAF's B-29, painted gloss caramel and vivid green with French roundels, being pulled from its Hangar at Midland, TX, so that GI and his crew can test fly the new bouncing munition over the neighbouring Scotland, and prepare for the raid.


Shots of Cruise and gang boarding the B-29, plus take-off shots over The American Midwest. Then computer-generated images for outbound flight, the final - and successful - bombing run using the last remaining weapon on board, and the dogfights on the return leg.

Throughout, the standard CGI conventions are used. All WW2 single-seat fighters fly at a minimum Mach 0.9 in +7g manoeuvres, while any multi-engine aeroplane drones along straight and level at 130 kt.


In a map-encrusted bunker, Barn waits tensely for the results of the raid.
Although the news is of success, he starts to become saddened by the loss of aircrew involved. But, just at that moment, a well-spoken Home Counties WAAF officer (Catherine Zeta Jones) in a starched Virginia McKenna military blouse appears, bearing a tray of Starbucks mugs.
She utters that immortal line - "Cocoa Latte, Sir?" - and all is well.
Information comes in that the flooding from the broken dam has flooded Hitler's bunker (clip fromChaplin as the Great Dictator), thwarting the launch of a new V3 rocket aimed at the Summit Conference being held in buckingham Palace, London, England.
The water also slows the Russian advance, allowing Patton (Harrison
Ford) to capture Berlin and Eastern Germany for the Allies.


Meanwhile, with three engines blazing and feathered, Gibson and the surviving crew nurse the crippled B-29 back across the Channel.
They just manage to climb over the White Cliffs of Dover to see in the Near distance the welcoming runway lights of their Lincolnshire airfield.
Having studied brain surgery before joining up, the B-29's chirpy Australian assistant cook (Kylie Minogue) saves the lives of injured crew members as the bomber belly-lands onto its home base. It slides to a halt a few Feet from the control tower, where Winston Churchill (Dan Ackroyd) watches proudly.
Also in the scene, in a technology enhancement, is Ronnie Reagan on his horse Trigger.


GI stands framed by the blazing wreckage of a redundant Fokker Friendship airliner bought especially for this scene.
Since a wholesome happy ending is mandatory in today's commercial cinema, in a final shot he is joined by "Native-African-American", his loyal dog. Despite the pair of Artificial legs and prosthetic tail fitted after being injured in three major road accidents on the Great North Road during his master's absence, the Labrador bounds joyfully into the sunset with some dame called Vera Lynn singing about the White Cliffs.
Icelandic Volcano Yeti
Árni H
Póstar: 1585
Skráður: 7. Okt. 2004 10:54:00

Re: Endurgerð á Dambusters

Póstur eftir Árni H »

Minnir á U-571 :)
Póstar: 412
Skráður: 6. Ágú. 2006 12:16:01

Re: Endurgerð á Dambusters

Póstur eftir Spitfire »

hmm, Peter Jackson (Lord of the rings, King Kong) er producer, gæti endað sem betri mynd en U-571 og Pearl Harbour. Þó að gamla myndin sé í mjög góð, þá eru núna komnar upp á yfirborðið upplýsingar um árásina sem voru 'Top Secret' þegar upphaflega Dambusters var skellt á filmu.
Hrannar Gestsson, Patreksfirði

The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
Douglas Adams
Site Admin
Póstar: 11463
Skráður: 17. Apr. 2004 03:33:31

Re: Endurgerð á Dambusters

Póstur eftir Sverrir »

Verkefnið er komið í gang hjá Jackson og co.
http://www.wetaworkshop.co.nz/projects/ ... dambusters

[quote]The expected release date is autumn 2008 possibly early 2009, distributed by Universal Pictures/Studio Canal.

Sir David Frost - Executive producer.
Peter Jackson - (Lord of the Rings, Kong etc) - Producer.
Christian Rivers - Director. (making his directorial debut, as Michael Anderson did on the original film).
Stephen Fry - (QI, Wilde, Blackadder, Gosford park etc) - Script writer.
Weta Workshop - Large props including 10 Lancasters.
Weta Digital - Visual efects.[/quote]

Það er reyndar spurning hvort að þetta atriði komi fyrir í endurgerðinni, þetta mun vera pabbi Oliver Kahn.
Icelandic Volcano Yeti
Póstar: 3656
Skráður: 28. Nóv. 2004 18:30:14
Staðsetning: Eyjafjörður

Re: Endurgerð á Dambusters

Póstur eftir Gaui »

Ég hefði frekar séð Stephen Fry fyrir mér sem Barnes Wallis en sem handritshöfund.
Ég er svona það sem kallað er Trendsetter, það bara tekur enginn eftir því.

Bara átta kveðjur
Guðjón Ólafsson - Eyjafirði
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Póstar: 11463
Skráður: 17. Apr. 2004 03:33:31

Re: Endurgerð á Dambusters

Póstur eftir Sverrir »

Ian McKellen er orðaður við það hlutverk, þó hann yrði um 4 árum of gamall. ;)
Icelandic Volcano Yeti
Site Admin
Póstar: 11463
Skráður: 17. Apr. 2004 03:33:31

Re: Endurgerð á Dambusters

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Nú er verið að tala um að það geti dregist eitthvað að myndin komi út vegna anna við aðrar myndir sem eru í framleiðslu/undirbúningi, árið 2011 hefur verið nefnt í þessu sambandi.

Reyndar er sennilega óþarfi að endurgera myndina þar sem George Lucas endurgerði aðalkafla hennar fyrir nokkrum árum síðan :rolleyes:

Annars myndi ég bara ráða þessa 3 í vinnu og láta þá sjá um þetta ;)

Icelandic Volcano Yeti