Re: Laminate
Póstað: 28. Sep. 2006 13:52:29
Kann ekki einhver gott íslenskt orð?
Datt niður á þetta á netinu og datt í hug að pósta þessu hérna þar sem Viðar var að velta þessu fyrir sér.
1) Cut a form from scrap wood

2) Rub wax around the edges of the form so the glue won't stick. (An old candle works great here...or one of your wife's favourite decorative candles, if you happen to be brave or stupid!)

3) Screw the form to the bench with some wax paper underneath
4) Strip up some 1/16" balsa
5) Spray the strips with "Windex" (Both sides)
6) Glue the strips together with carpenter's glue. (Now you have a soggy snake of balsa!)

7) Wrap the soggy snake around the form and secure with a bungee cord, and wipe of excess glue with a paper towel.

Once dry ( 24 hrs ) and removed from the form, the outline will be light and strong.
Datt niður á þetta á netinu og datt í hug að pósta þessu hérna þar sem Viðar var að velta þessu fyrir sér.
1) Cut a form from scrap wood

2) Rub wax around the edges of the form so the glue won't stick. (An old candle works great here...or one of your wife's favourite decorative candles, if you happen to be brave or stupid!)

3) Screw the form to the bench with some wax paper underneath
4) Strip up some 1/16" balsa
5) Spray the strips with "Windex" (Both sides)
6) Glue the strips together with carpenter's glue. (Now you have a soggy snake of balsa!)

7) Wrap the soggy snake around the form and secure with a bungee cord, and wipe of excess glue with a paper towel.

Once dry ( 24 hrs ) and removed from the form, the outline will be light and strong.