Frakkar með hugmynd um nýja leið í stigagjöf fyrir F3F

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Póstar: 11476
Skráður: 17. Apr. 2004 03:33:31

Re: Frakkar með hugmynd um nýja leið í stigagjöf fyrir F3F

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[quote=Smá útdráttur]F3F rule change proposal
The objective of the present rule change proposal is to modify the pilot round result calculation to use the round average time instead of the best time. This make the round ranking fairer in case of group scoring. For details description, please refer to the presentation included in this document.

The result of the flight is stated as the time in seconds as hundredths of seconds obtained by each competitor. For the purpose of calculating the result of the round the competitor’s result is converted this way:

1000 * Pw/P

where Pw is the average result of all competitors and P is the competitor’s result.

Reasons behind are:
  • In case of group scoring, the final ranking is made much fairer
  • By reducing the “third man effect” final ranking is made more consistent with real man on man ranking
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