Re: Þyrluflug
Póstað: 28. Feb. 2005 12:54:54
Já...sælir félagar!
varðandi keppnir á þyrlum, þá hef ég mikinn hug á að koma upp lítilli röð keppna, svona til að ýta undir að menn læri nýja hluti ... og keppist af því að verða betri!
Ég hef lagt til að við byrjum rólega:
spurning hvort þetta sé of erfitt:
en þetta er svona "hover" manuvers og tvö aerobatics manuver - spurning að sleppa neðstu liðunum , þá ættu allir að geta keppt.
þarna er allavega hugmynd af prógrami í nákvæmis þyrlu flugi:
Advanced Sportsman Schedule
1. Hovering Rectangle with 360 Degree Pirouette
Model ascends from centre circle and climbs vertically so that the undercarriage skids are at eye level. Then after a pause the model flies backwards and level down wind to the centre flag of the FAI Square pausing again. The model ascends four meters whilst performing a 360-degree pirouette. The model pauses and then flies into wind across the FAI squares’ centre until it is over the upwind centre flag, pausing again. The model descends the four meters total and pauses with the undercarriage skids at eye level, over the top of the centre up wind flag. The model then flies level and backwards towards the centre of the FAI square, pauses and then descends back to the centre circle.
2. Nose in Circle
Model ascends from centre circle and climbs vertically so that the undercarriage skids are at eye level. Then after a pause the model flies backwards and level down wind to the centre flag of the FAI Square pausing again. The model then completes a horizontal circle, flying nose in and with its main shaft flying over all the FAI squares’ centre points. The model then returns to the original down wind starting point. Having paused, the model travels into wind back above the centre, pauses and then descends to the centre circle.
3. Triangle with 360 Degree Pirouette
Model ascends from centre circle so that the undercarriage skids are at eye level. Then after a paus the model flies backwards and level down wind to the centre flag of the FAI eSquare pausing again. The model travels forwards and upwards to end five meters above the centre circle. Having paused, the model completes a 360 degree pirouette, pauses again and then descends towards the upwind centre flag stopping at skid height and pausing again before returning backwards and level towards the centre circle. With the model paused above the centre with the skids at head height, the model descends to the ground.
In all cases, the pauses equate to a three-second hover.
4. Two Loops
Into wind straight and level flight, the model performs two loops over each other and central to the centre box.
5. Two Rolls
In downwind flight the model performs two axial rolls, with the model upright during the centre section. The model flies a line through the centre of the previous loops.
varðandi keppnir á þyrlum, þá hef ég mikinn hug á að koma upp lítilli röð keppna, svona til að ýta undir að menn læri nýja hluti ... og keppist af því að verða betri!
Ég hef lagt til að við byrjum rólega:
spurning hvort þetta sé of erfitt:
en þetta er svona "hover" manuvers og tvö aerobatics manuver - spurning að sleppa neðstu liðunum , þá ættu allir að geta keppt.
þarna er allavega hugmynd af prógrami í nákvæmis þyrlu flugi:
Advanced Sportsman Schedule
1. Hovering Rectangle with 360 Degree Pirouette
Model ascends from centre circle and climbs vertically so that the undercarriage skids are at eye level. Then after a pause the model flies backwards and level down wind to the centre flag of the FAI Square pausing again. The model ascends four meters whilst performing a 360-degree pirouette. The model pauses and then flies into wind across the FAI squares’ centre until it is over the upwind centre flag, pausing again. The model descends the four meters total and pauses with the undercarriage skids at eye level, over the top of the centre up wind flag. The model then flies level and backwards towards the centre of the FAI square, pauses and then descends back to the centre circle.
2. Nose in Circle
Model ascends from centre circle and climbs vertically so that the undercarriage skids are at eye level. Then after a pause the model flies backwards and level down wind to the centre flag of the FAI Square pausing again. The model then completes a horizontal circle, flying nose in and with its main shaft flying over all the FAI squares’ centre points. The model then returns to the original down wind starting point. Having paused, the model travels into wind back above the centre, pauses and then descends to the centre circle.
3. Triangle with 360 Degree Pirouette
Model ascends from centre circle so that the undercarriage skids are at eye level. Then after a paus the model flies backwards and level down wind to the centre flag of the FAI eSquare pausing again. The model travels forwards and upwards to end five meters above the centre circle. Having paused, the model completes a 360 degree pirouette, pauses again and then descends towards the upwind centre flag stopping at skid height and pausing again before returning backwards and level towards the centre circle. With the model paused above the centre with the skids at head height, the model descends to the ground.
In all cases, the pauses equate to a three-second hover.
4. Two Loops
Into wind straight and level flight, the model performs two loops over each other and central to the centre box.
5. Two Rolls
In downwind flight the model performs two axial rolls, with the model upright during the centre section. The model flies a line through the centre of the previous loops.