Nýlegur bæklingur um 2,4GHz frá Áströlsku Flugmódelsamtökunum...

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Póstar: 2984
Skráður: 23. Apr. 2004 06:34:18

Re: Nýlegur bæklingur um 2,4GHz frá Áströlsku Flugmódelsamtökunum...

Póstur eftir Agust »

2.5 MHz Equipment Policy frá 4. nóvember 2012

Þarna er ýmis gagnlegur fróðleikur

http://www.maaa.asn.au/maaa/mop/policy/ ... IPMENT.pdf
Bestu kveðjur
Ágúst H Bjarnason
Póstar: 412
Skráður: 6. Ágú. 2006 12:16:01

Re: Nýlegur bæklingur um 2,4GHz frá Áströlsku Flugmódelsamtökunum...

Póstur eftir Spitfire »

Athyglisverður kafli 3.12 um hámarksfjölda 2,4 GHz senda í notkun á sama tíma.

[quote]The MAAA originally specified that the maximum number of transmitters to be available for use under this MOP should not exceed 10 at the same time. This requirement has been removed but it should not be taken to mean that the MAAA consider that under all circumstances unlimited numbers of 2.4 GHz sets can be used at the same time.

In response to a specific question one manufacturer with mature products has advised “there are no restrictions but we recommend a maximum 15 units in operation simultaneously”. This should be seen as a commentary on the effects of the increasing noise floor with multiple transmitters rather than offering a comparison between different products.

There are many different implementations of 2.4 GHz technology and many manufacturers have their own unique versions. These function in different ways and have their own strengths and weaknesses. Some are less prone to system degradation in the presence of multiple collocated transmitters, some provide robust fail safe capability and other technical characteristics vary.[/quote]
Hrannar Gestsson, Patreksfirði

The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
Douglas Adams